Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Cipher #7 - The Mystery of Carl's Missing Ice Skate

Can you solve the puzzle before Boris bites into the chocolate ice skate and ruins the whole Birthday party?!!

Below is a quote from a famous person encoded with a substitution cipher. Each letter has been swapped for another. Today's hint: D equals P.


The first person to e-mail me the correct answer at wins a prize! If you would like your prize sent to you, include a mailing address with your answer.

Last week's answer:
"I've found that marriage is like a slot machine: you just keep at it, thinking one day it has to pay off. But at the end of the day you're alone and drunk in some place where nobody cares." - Billy Graham

Notice: Last week's cipher contained a typo resulting in the intended word "of" coming out as "on". The Swarm regrets the error and will strive to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The responsible party has been terminated. On a cheerier note, fully half of our respondents submitted answers that accounted for the typo and corrected it. Keep up the good work!

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